The Five Laws of Sales Management

(By Brian Jeffrey, co-founder, SalesForce Training & Consulting)

Sales management begins before a person is hired and ends after the person leaves.  In between these two events, many things can (and do) go wrong.  To be successful, managers must observe the five laws of sales management.

Law #1 – Thou shalt not hire the wrong person.

In their desperation to fill a position, managers plug in any warm body and then despair when the person doesn’t work out.  Learn some tricks of the trade that can help you hire smart.

Law #2 – Thou shalt train thy people.

It’s critical that new salespeople get started on the right foot.  Managers must provide proper training.  Discover the three key areas in which to train your people.

Law #3 – Thou shalt manage the sales process.

It’s hard to get where you’re going if you don’t know how to get there!  Understanding your internal sales process will give you the edge in managing your sales team.

Law #4 – Thou shalt lead thy people.

Knowing what motivates and what doesn’t is the key to providing sound leadership.  Find out why the carrot-and-stick approach doesn’t work anymore and then find out what does.

Law #5 – Thou shalt fire when necessary.

Salespeople who aren’t fired up with enthusiasm should be fired with enthusiasm!  Learn when and how to cut your losses.
