Coaching to Improve Sales Performance

The art of coaching effectively is not an easy one to master. It literally takes years of on-the-job experience to appreciate what it means to be a good coach, and to learn when and how to adjust our coaching styles under different circumstances. Hence it makes sense to build a coaching process that is very simple and easy to follow.
Here, we will introduce five steps to the traditional coaching process.
1. Identify the area for improvement and cite examples.
2. Determine the cause of the performance gap.
By getting the employee to analyze their own performance, they have more control over their own development.
3. Explore different ideas for improvement.
People who are closest to the work process often have the best ideas about how to improve it. By asking the employee which ideas would work best and why, you are allowing the employee to evaluate their own thinking. Resist the temptation to give your ideas first.
4. Mutually develop an action plan.
Create a “to-do” list of the actions to be taken and by when. Identify the resources the employee will need.
5. Summarize.
This step makes sure that you are leaving no “loose ends” to the discussion and the employee knows exactly what you both have agreed to. Setting a time to review the employee’s progress shows your commitment to their development and that you hold them accountable for results.
After this phase a follow-up is required at the predetermined time. In that meeting, you should:
1) Recognize any and all positive results; 2) If there is still a performance gap, discuss any progress made, then discuss what still requires improvement; and 3) Agree on a course of action to be taken, and set another follow-up date.